Best Morning Habit

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

Always the same. Exactly the same procedure as yesterday. This habit is solidly instilled in time. It is embedded in my first act of the day. Do I have the habit, or does the habit have me? Probably the latter.

There is no greater joy at this moment of the day than to prepare my little present to myself. The ritual to brew sets me up in expectation.

The pressurized transforming water and life into a sound and vision spectacle, the heavenly mist warming the skin; the scent of forest. The extracted life elixir offering itself to the alchemist.

For a moment of contemplation. Absorbing it is like a taking a deep breath before plunging into the day’s ocean. A refresher, even after a sound night of sleep. The thoughts it triggers instantly, the oversight, the will to attack, to confront, to address.

Then the fluid becomes one with its receiver, disappearing and leaving nothing but a faint echo.

We became one. My morning coffee.



Olaf Brugman | For better functioning systems

Husband, father. Knowledge actionist to build better social systems in finance. Multivore reader. Designs, writes and takes pictures.