
It would be extremely interesting to know what drove 342 authors to work together or under what agreement these authors have decided to collectively put their names up as authors.

In a world where authors would need to pay the fee from their own wallet, even if when publishing on the work they did as part of a paid position, the purpose of this journal seems to be to make it impossible to publish for less affluent academics, or to academics from developing countries. Then the journal is exclusive.

In a world where the employing university or research institution would pay the fee - it is, after all, just a necessary cost of 'production' - that would provide some countervailing power to keep fees as modest as possible.

In a world where research institutions' libraries and readers need to pay separately for access to the journal and its articles, in addition to the article authors, then the purpose of the journal obviously to get (some) authors published, whilst access to knowledge and actual readership is of zero importance.



Olaf Brugman | Expertise for better systems

Organisational sociologist working for better functioning systems. Husband, father. Writer-photographer. Multivore reader. Systems practitioner.